Collection: Jits Collection

"The beginning is the most important part of the work" - Aristocles

Aristocles is one of the most prominent names when discussing philosophy, but you may know him by another name. Plato.

Why is he called Plato you ask? Because in ancient Greek, Plato roughly translates into "wide" or "thick". While there are many theories as to the origin of the nickname, the prevailing is thus. It was given to him by his wrestling coach because he was so broad. In other words,  one of the most famous minds in human history was also so yolked and good at wrestling that his name literally means jacked. 

With a deep bow to Plato, this collection is for those that attempt to follow suit. Those that realize egg-head and meat-head don't need to be separate. Those that hate breathlessness, limping out of class, cranked necks, torn ligaments, popped ribs, feeling shame for not cutting your nails and yet still you show up for class every day. Be like Plato. Enjoy